Luminous Landscapes

Luminous Landscapes: Spring Festival of Light

Last night I went along with my family to the launch of the Spring Festival of Light. 

Held at the Festival Gardens near Otterspool, next to the River Mersey, the show has been created by the Liverpool Lantern Company. This is the first time the festival has been held in the waterfront gardens, with previous events hosted at Sefton Park.

It was a magical evening which was underpinned by a serious message about the environment. Visitors see the world turned upside down. Humans change place with insects to give a new perspective on the natural world.

The aim is to raise awareness about environmental issues, such as landfill and recycling, in the hope that visitors will be incentivised to "reduce, reuse and recycle."

The whole show comes to life in the darkness with illuminated puppets, performers and light installations everywhere you look.

A secret woodland and waterway route transport you to a glowing wonderland. Everywhere you walk there is something waiting to be explored, giant insects, illuminated creatures and other astonishing sights. There was so much to see.

There are lantern-making workshops for visitors to make their own lanterns to carry during the show to light their path. 

The event is to be held across three days from 18th - 20th February and is open from 5.30pm till 9pm each night. Unfortunately the 9,000 allocated tickets have already sold out but the Lantern Company are hoping to return to Sefton Park in October for the annual Halloween event. 

If you have the opportunity to go you really should. Adults and children alike will be amazed by it. An utterly brilliant and unique event for Liverpool to host! 

The Lantern Company